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/    2014-01-16 17:02:53    来源:互联网    编辑:互联网    点击:






    奇舞飞扬背景音乐—太阳《weding dress》

    奇舞飞扬第一期中欧弟出场时播放 —太阳《weding dress》


    奇舞飞扬20130121 魔幻镜子舞背景音乐——罗志祥《舞法舞天》



    奇舞飞扬背景音乐—NLT《Let Me Know》

    奇舞飞扬的超时空幻象舞的背景音乐:   NLT的《 Let Me Know》


    奇舞飞扬中失败离场的那首英文歌:   beyonce-halo

    奇舞飞扬背景音乐—《sexy love》Tara

    Black Queen在奇舞飞扬节目上跳舞的音乐—sexy love -Tara

    奇舞飞扬背景音乐—《Boom Boom Pow》

    奇舞飞扬 20130121 大张伟秀魔术 奇舞飞扬高跷街舞的背景音乐   Boom Boom Pow -  Black Eyed Peas(黑眼豆豆)


    《奇舞飞扬》插曲也观众们听的很有感觉,这是由Katy Perry 演唱的《Firework》!


    Katy Perry

    Do you ever feel like a plastic bag

    Drifting throught the wind

    Wanting to start again

    Do you ever feel, feel so paper thin

    Like a house of cards

    One blow from caving in

    Do you ever feel already buried deep

    Six feet under scream

    But no one seems to hear a thing

    Do you know that tehre's still a chance for you

    Cause there's a spark in you

    You just gotta ignite the light

    And let it shine

    Just own the night

    Like the Fourth of July

    Cause baby you're a firework

    Come on show 'em what your worth

    Make 'em go Oh, oh, oh!

    As you shoot across the sky-y-y

    Baby you're a firework

    Come on let your colors burst

    Make 'em go Oh, oh, oh!

    You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

    You don't have to feel like a waste of space

    You're original, cannot be replaced

    If you only knew what the future holds

    After a hurricane comes a rainbow

    Maybe you're reason why all the doors are closed

    So you can open one that leads you to the perfect road

    Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow

    And when it's time, you'll know

    You just gotta ignite the light

    And let it shine

    Just own the night

    Like the Fourth of July

    Cause baby you're a firework

    Come on show 'em what your worth

    Make 'em go Oh, oh, oh!

    As you shoot across the sky-y-y

    Baby you're a firework

    Come on slet your colors burst

    Make 'em go Oh, oh, oh!

    You're gunna leave 'em fallin' down-own-own

    Boom, boom, boom

    Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

    It's always been inside of you, you, you

    And now it's time to let it through

    Cause baby you're a firework

    Come on show 'em what your worth

    Make 'em go Oh, oh, oh!

    As you shoot across the sky-y-y

    Baby you're a firework

    Come on slet your colors burst

    Make 'em go Oh, oh, oh!

    You're gunna leave 'em goin Oh, oh, oh!

    Boom, boom, boom

    Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

    Boom, boom, boom

    Even brighter than the moon, moon, moon

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